- #Cakewalk dimension default vst folder location manual#
- #Cakewalk dimension default vst folder location Patch#
New: support for sfz cycle robin opcodes seq_position i seq_length.New: format extension is visible in the file listbox.New: GIGA maximum file size option added to the file dialog box to split files larger then 2GB.New: GIGA 24-bit sample acceleration support added.New: GIGA *.gx01 extensions support added.button used to switch between context menu and audition has been removed so this context menu is available from by clickin on "ZONES" button located on the top of the panel. Right click on map plays note at specified key and velocity, left mouse click is used for selections as before. Changed: Method of note audition on zone map in VSTi/Hardware Converter.Fix: VST plugins were not added to the plugin's list when program was first runned in Hardware Converter mode.Fix: Zoom to All didn't work in wave view, Audio Grid option added.This option is located in Hardware Converter's MAIN menu. It allows to record samples manually with microphone without midi trigerring or with midi trigerring with controlling levels f the length of each sample.
#Cakewalk dimension default vst folder location manual#

New: Velocity info to the selected zone or pressed mouse at specified point on the zone map.New: Enhanced Level Meters showing peak level of recently triggered note.New: Open/Save Zones it is possible to save all zone map and settings.New: Arrow Keys, Space allows to move between zone and Space to trigger selected zone.New: Page Up/Page Down allows to edit zone velocity point.These three midi messages are sent after releasing a mouse key.
#Cakewalk dimension default vst folder location Patch#

Fixed: Fixed crash with Terratec sound cards under Vista.Fixed: Folders were locked by explorer, editing or moving of folders was not possible while ESC was opened.Fixed: Crash with NKI to SFZ loop conversion.Changed: Opening *.zon file does not send automatically Bank Select and Program Change.Threshold is calculated automatically by the first 5 second interval before sampling is started. Added: Auto Trim and Auto Trim Post Record functions in Hardware/VSTi Converter menu, used to remove unwated silence at the end of sample.Useful for plugins which incorrectly compensate its delay. Added: Disable Plugin Delay Compensation option in Hardware/VSTi Converter.Allows to stop sample recording and take the next sample, helpful with recording of patches with different sample length or when samples are continuosly looped. Added: Next Sample in Hardware Converter.To use this function click on a button or press shortcut. Allows to repeat sample recording in case of clipping, distortion or to take second variant of sound. Added: Repeat Sample in Hardware Converter.IMPORT: SFZ loop import, when loop_mode is not defined the region loop is taken from a sample.Added a Minimize/Maximize button and resize grip is active now. GUI: Virtual Disk's elements were not visible when window's title bar has bigger height.LOOPING: X-FADE Equal Power added to the sample's menu.LOOPING: corrected location of X-Fade Curve parameter in sample's menu.LOOPING: added new sample's submenu to apply X-Fade to selected samples.